The Best 5 Nero Streaming Player Alternatives

  • UPnPlay

    Listen to the music of your UPnP(tm) / DLNA Media Server. (Video support via third party apps - it's up to you to install them) This app is still in development, so there are glitches and probably serious bugs as well.

    Free Android

  • AllCast

    AllCast lets you send photos, music, and videos on your Android to your TV! AllCast lets you cast to: * Chromecast * Subtitles supported * Amazon Fire TV *...

    Free Android Android Tablet

  • allconnect – play stream

    Stream your favorite music, photos and videos to any device in your home. AllConnect works on Android, iPhone and iPad. Try it out.

    Free Android iPhone iPad

  • TuneCast

    Play any music straight to your TV with TuneCast. TuneCast gives you full control over all your music files and gives you the option to stream them to any Smart TV. No...

    Free Android Android Tablet