The Best 13 MyPost Alternatives

  • is a super fast way to publish content online. It takes just seconds to create a page and start adding content. has been designed as a more permanent...

    Free Web

  • Websites for Trello

    If you like to use Trello for personal organization (as they say, organizing everything), you will also like to have a website and control its content with Trello.

    Freemium Web


    A free online notepad allows you to create any text or notes in your web browser. No login required, no sign up required.

    Free Web

  • Nottingham

    In the spirit of Notational Velocity, Nottingham is an elegant notepad for Mac OS X. Designed to be lightweight and easy to use, it's a breath of fresh air perfect...

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • Scriffon

    Write and publish on the Web. Writings of any kind Essays, news, reviews, stories, how-tos, recipes, poems, any written thing. Several pen names Publish under...

    Free Web

  • Jotflow

    Jotflow is a markdown based platform for broadcasting your ideas and voicing your opinions. Its completely free. Start jotting now!.

    Free Web

  • Taigen

    Taigen is a web design tool and micro-webhost that allows you to create websites using just your browser, with a minimum of fiddling. There are many ways to publish a...

    Free Web

  • Note-C

    "Note-C" is a very simple application for collecting your notes, snippets and any other piece of text without limiting access to your entries and offering...


  • - Note Anything, Anytime, Anywhere! A simple yet powerful notepad in the cloud.

    Free Web