Load any MP3, Isolate the guitar, slow it down, loop the riff, see the chords and build custom jam tracks.
More than just music slow down and video zooming. Specifically designed for practicing musicians. .
musician's practice edge is aimed at musicians working with video or audio material.hold all of your music courses and audio files in the one spot, regardless of who you bought them from.note: windows audioonly version is now free forever. you can even play the audio tracks from videos in this mode. mac version is 14 day free trial.
features include:* zoom in on video* slow down video files whilst retaining pitch (or you can speed up as well)* slow down audio files whilst retaining pitch (or you can speed up as well)* adjust pitch* tempo trainer: repeat a loop gradually speeding up or slowing down* key trainer: repeat a loop whilst systematically working through different keys* sections (bookmarks) divide videos and audio into named sections that you can easily find later* libraries organize your educational material into libraries* show the performance tempo and the tempo at the current playback speed* show the performance key and the key at the current playback pitch* associated files: associate pdf charts, jam tracks, guitarpro, powertab, and microsoft word files with each of your lessons* course accelerators preset definitions of some courses (mainly truefire) – loads up useful information for all lessons in a course (useful sections, keys, tempos, time signatures, lesson names, associated charts/jams) – huge time saver!* smart metronome automatically defaults to the same tempo and time signature as the lesson or jam track you’re currently working with. trainer mode allows you to gradually work towards target tempos* eq helps to isolate parts.* all your settings (pitch, tempo, key, zoom, sections etc.) recalled for you per video/audio file* truefire courses imported automatically* streaming of truefire courses
Official Website
tabs guitar guitar-tools slowdown-music music-transcription music-practice mp3-pitch mp3-tempo video-slowdown