soundKonverter is a frontend to various audio converters. The key features are: Audio conversion. En-/decoding. Replay Gain. CD ripping. It is extendable by plugins and supports many backends.
A free automatic mp3 volume normalizer. MP3Gain analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume. There is no quality lost in the change because the program adjusts the mp3 file directly, without decoding and re-encoding
A free automatic mp3 volume normalizer. MP3Gain analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume. There is no quality lost in the change because the program adjusts the mp3 file directly, without decoding and reencoding
Discontinued mp3 volume-normalization
soundKonverter is a frontend to various audio converters. The key features are: Audio conversion. En-/decoding. Replay Gain. CD ripping. It is extendable by plugins and supports many backends.
Free Open Source Linux BSD
Graphical User Interface (GUI) for MP3Gain, VorbisGain and AACGain (enables you to modify the loudness level of mp3, ogg, and mp4 files) / Frontend for MP3Gain. Downloads: https://sourceforge.net/projects/easymp3gain/files/
Free Open Source Linux
Improve the quality of MP3 collections by adjusting volume and applying audio effects.
Commercial Mac OS X
Sound sound normalizer, designed to enhance or restore the volume of musical WAV and MP3 files.
Commercial Windows