The Best 13 Moniker Alternatives

  • NameCheap

    Namecheap provides cheap domain name registration, renewal and transfer. We are an approved ICANN domain registrar.

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  • was one of the first domain name registrars approved by ICANN for .COM, .NET,.ORG, .BIZ, .INFO, .NAME, .BE, .FR, .EU domains in France. It now offers over 100 domain extensions and continues to add to this list on a regular basis.

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    Domain registrar. We make your website happen in minutes! Choose a name and then enjoy our website builder or hosting. Need more traffic? We've got SEO!

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  • Google Domains

    Google Domains is designed and built to make getting online easy and managing your domains simple.

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  • NameSilo

    Domain registration. That's it! And that's what makes it special. If you just want to register and manage your domains, without constant hosting, web page, email account upsells and more, NameSilo is the right place.

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    POP offers free custom email and a webpage for everyone with your own domain name. No credit card or technical skills required! Get your idea online in 60 seconds, for free.

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  • HostGator

    Since its establishment in 2002, HostGator has been a world-leading provider of web hosting service.

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  • Uniregistry

    Uniregistry lets you buy, sell, and manage your domain names like never before. We make the whole experience effortless and delightful with our iOS and Android apps. We...

    Free Android iPhone Web Whmcs

  • Domain Octopus

    Register domains across multiple popular registrars, and manage them all from a single Dashboard.

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