Nexus Mods
The Nexus Sites are a large network of community driven websites that support the free and open sharing of video game mods and downloadable content in a welcoming environment.
Mod Organizer (MO) is a tool for managing mod collections of arbitrary size. It is specifically designed for people who like to experiment with mods and thus need an easy and reliable way to install and uninstall them.
mod organizer (mo) is a tool for managing mod collections of arbitrary size. it is specifically designed for people who like to experiment with mods and thus need an easy and reliable way to install and uninstall them.
!!! on top of the description here, there is now a usermaintained wiki with additional information and stepbystep guides on the s.t.e.p. wiki. !!!
mo has several unique features not found in any other comparable tool:
mods are kept completely isolated from each other > no more messy data directory (1) profiles (2) drag&drop load order and installation order management full control over the priority of bsa files (3) nexus integration for easy download, installation and update of mods gui support for manual installers partial compatibility with bain and fomod installers savegame viewer active required mods from save game archive invalidation categorize mods for better overview (customizable) easy overview of file conflicts complete help system supports oblivion, fallout 3, fallout nv and skyrim no dependencies. just unpack and go localization (currently: german, spanish, french and chinese) automatic selfupdates bsa unpacking
organizer games organizing mods game-mods modding mods-manager mods-managers organise organiser