PortableApps.com is a website offering many free, commonly used Windows applications that have been specially packaged for portability. These portable applications can be used from removable media such as USB flash drives.
miniWE is a free .Net3.0 application. It is a combination of Quick Launch Bar and Windows Explore.
miniwe is a free .net3.0 application. it is a combination of quick launch bar and windows explore. when you click the program, it will pop up as an app launcher. in addition, it has the ability to browse through folders like a windows explore (some folders like mydocument are not accessible under windows security system). when you click on the file, it will be launched by default program and miniwe will be minimized. when you click miniwe again, it will pop back up under your main page folder. main page folder is default to desktop folder as seen in the following picture, but, you can set it to any folder you like.