uBlock Origin
Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird. Fast and lean.
MinerBlock is an efficient browser extension that focuses on blocking browser-based cryptocurrency miners all over the web.
The extension uses two different approaches to block miners. The first one is based on blocking requests/scripts loaded from a blacklist, this is the traditional approach adopted by most adblockers and other mining blockers. The other approach which makes MinerBlock more efficient against cryptojacking is detecting potential mining behaviour inside loaded scripts and kills them immediately. This makes the extension able to block inline scripts as well as miners running through proxies.
Firefox extension Google Chrome extension Opera extension
Education and Reference Web Browsers
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Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird. Fast and lean.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome Vivaldi Browser Safari Microsoft Edge Pale Moon
AntiMiner is #1 Miner Blocker, helps to stop coin miners, cryptojackers and block mining scripts from your CPU.
Free Open Source Windows Linux Mac Chrome
Superlight script that removes coin-hive from all websites. The script both cancels all requests from coinhive and removes the script from the DOM before it loads.
Free Open Source Windows Linux Mac Chrome
Coin Mining Blocker is an optimized host blocker extension that is adapted to block third-party JS scripts which do digital coin mining during your visit on some...
Free Open Source Windows Linux Mac Chrome Opera
Coinhive Blocker is simple but powerful add-on for Firefox and Google Chrome, which blocks crypto-currency mining scripts from Coinhive. It always works on background...
Free Windows Linux Mac Chrome Firefox
This open-source extension automatically blocks Crypto Mining Scripts.
Free Open Source Windows Linux Mac Chrome
This free Crypto Mining Blocker extension, blocks all CPU-Crypto Miners before they are loaded and prevents miners from running. The Mining Blocker doesn’t only block...
Free Windows Linux Mac Chrome Opera