Google Groups
Google Groups is all about helping users connect with people, access information, and communicate effectively over email and on the web. Now theres a new version on the block. We didnt want to say it, but yes, its new and improved.
Allows you to run a free Listserv or email group right from your WordPress dashboard. Its the best two-way communication group email plugin in wordpress where an email...
wordpress mailing group is a plugin that allows you to run a free listserv or email group just like google groups or yahoo groups right from your wordpress dashboard. group members can use their favorite email clients to interact with the group, no need to login to dashboard. they can send plain/text or html emails with attachments. the plugin offers various email sending options and also allows to add an smtp server for outgoing emails.
there are several options to add users to groups like importing existing wordpress users to a mailing group easily with one click or a form on the website where users can submit their details and sign up for a mailing list. this is not a oneway announcement list where only you can email everyone else. its the best twoway group email communication plugin where any email sent to the main group email gets forwarded to the all group members. members can unsubscribe from the list anytime by the unsubscribe link provided in group email footer. the group email footer is fully customizeable.
mass-mailing-tool mailing-list-management email-groups
Google Groups is all about helping users connect with people, access information, and communicate effectively over email and on the web. Now theres a new version on the block. We didnt want to say it, but yes, its new and improved.
Free Web
Gaggle Mail is the simplest way to get a group email address up and running. Get started in seconds with a 30-day free trial.
Commercial Web
Yahoo! Groups is one of the world’s largest collections of online discussion boards. The term Groups refers to Internet communication which is a hybrid between an...
Free Web
WP Mailster enables you to run a listserv-like email discussion list on your WordPress site. This enables true two-way communication through email.
Freemium Self-Hosted Wordpress