VistaSwitcher is an elegant and powerful task management utility for Windows OS.
LiteSwitch X follows the tradition of LiteSwitch as a simple solution for managing open applications using the keyboard.
liteswitch x follows the tradition of liteswitch as a simple solution for managing open applications using the keyboard. like its predecessor which will continue to be available, liteswitch x has a clean, simple and functional style that has become proteron's hallmark. it features an aquified transparent, resizeable window which is invoked by a configurable keycombination (default is appletab). from the popup window the user can switch to any application, hide, quit, or force quit any application or draganddrop files onto any application. windows users migrating to the mac can feel more at home having the alttab functionality returned to them, yet enjoy it in its full mac os x splendor.
VistaSwitcher is an elegant and powerful task management utility for Windows OS.
Free Windows
Mission Control, formerly Exposé, is a feature of the OS X operating system. Mission Control lets you view all open windows with a single keystroke: it...
Commercial Mac OS X
HyperSwitch provides a compelling alternative to HyperDock for keyboard junkies. What's New Version 0.2.365-dev: Fix an issue that could delay activations...
Free Mac OS X
Looking for Expose and Spaces on Windows ? BetterDesktopTool makes Expose and Spaces like Features avialabe on Windows PCs. Offering Mouse + Keyboard shortcuts and Active-Edges it is easy to use.
Commercial Windows
Alternative application for Windows' native task switcher (Alt + Tab).
Free Windows
Command-Tab Plus is designed to let you switch between apps and windows in a faster and more convenient way.
Commercial Mac OS X
If you are not familiar with the Alt-Tab task switcher in Windows, its a keyboard short-cut (hot-key) to enable fast switching between applications/windows. This feature...
Free Windows
With SpaceLauncher for macOS, you can launch or switch to an app by pressing a pre-defined key while holding down spacebar.
Free Mac OS X
App Switch is a small utility app that is ment for mutiple display users. When utilising the Command (?)+Tab function, your mouse will automatically set it self to...