The Best 5 ListenYo! Alternatives

  • CloudPlay

    CloudPlay is a music player that searches and streams free music from YouTube, SoundCloud, exfm, BandSoup, iTunes, Jamendo, and thousands of radio stations. Discover new playlists from sites like and many more.

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • Musictube

    Listen to millions of songs on YouTube in a convenient way, much like using a traditional player. Musictube plays album tracks in their original order and integrates album covers, artist pictures and lyrics.


  • Vacay

    You can add music to vacay from many sites (soundcloud, youtube, bandcamp, mixcloud, hypem, tumblr). Once it's in our system, Vacay then lets you organize your music...

    Free Mac OS X Windows Web Chrome

  • TubeRadio helps you find, organise and listen to music videos on the web, with magic fairy dust.

    Free Web