Darksiders is a single-player action adventure in which the player takes control of War, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In third-person perspective, the...
Legacy of Kain is a series of action-adventure video games primarily developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix Europe. Each game in the series...
legacy of kain is a series of actionadventure video games primarily developed by crystal dynamics and published by square enix europe. each game in the series incorporates elements of action and puzzlesolving in its gameplay and all are set in the fictional setting of nosgoth, united by the character of kain, the series' vampire antihero.
nosgoth is an ancient battleground for which two species have been at war since before history the ancient vampires and the hylden. the hylden in earlier times waged an all out war, but in modern times, fight through surrogates and pawns. the level of sophistication their warfare has developed is staggering, and much more realistic for such a protracted battle than the wasteful, exhaustive and ultimately shortterm warfare style originally endorsed by both species. each species moves in some way from behind the scenes, manipulating events slowly and deliberately, moulding and preparing the lesser peoples of the world (humanity) to act eventually in their favor, with individual moves often taking centuries or millennia to completely unfold.
Official Website
action-game third-person action-adventure vampires