Sick Beard
Sick Beard is a PVR for newsgroup users (with limited torrent support). It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they are posted it downloads them, sorts and renames them, and optionally generates metadata for them.
Why waste time downloading TV NZB files when it can be done for you? Leechr will check your myepisodes.com page for the shows you need to acquire and will...
Why waste time downloading TV NZB files when it can be done for you?
Leechr will check your myepisodes.com page for the shows you need to acquire and will automatically download the relevant NZB files from your favourite NZB sites.
Works great with a newsreader that can autoimport NZB files from a directory.
automatic sickbeard leech myepisodes autodownload newzleech.com myepisodes.com nzb.cc nzbclub.com nzbx.co
Sick Beard is a PVR for newsgroup users (with limited torrent support). It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they are posted it downloads them, sorts and renames them, and optionally generates metadata for them.
Free Open Source Windows Linux
medusa is a fork of sick beard (similar to other forks such as sickrage and...
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