Wunderlist helps millions of people around the world capture their ideas, things to do and places to see.
Launchlist - Your one stop checklist. Launchlist is intended to help and encourage web designers and developers to check their work before exposing it to the world at...
launchlist your one stop checklist. launchlist is intended to help and encourage web designers and developers to check their work before exposing it to the world at large.the process is simple enter your name and email and the same for a recipient (not required but its best not to test your own work), your project details and website url, and then proceed through our list of provided fields.
if a question is irrelevant, you can tick n/a and it will be disregarded. you can even add your own custom fields at the bottom of the checklist if required.
once submitted, you and your recipient/s will receive a report of your checklist with a summary for your records.
Productivity Business and Commerce
Wunderlist helps millions of people around the world capture their ideas, things to do and places to see.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Chrome OS Web Blackberry Windows RT
An electron wrapper for wunderlist made with love for Linux (specially for elementary OS).
Free Open Source Linux
It’s an AI-powered mobile application engineered to help you achieve your life goals. It removes the annoyances and stress of keeping up with your task list by...
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad
A Productivity Tool designed around simplicity and efficiency, while giving you a lot more flexibility to manage your tasks.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux
Create challenges, track your progress, share with everyone and push your limits. Could be used as free to do list, productivity app and even as a shopping list!.
Free Web
In our daily lives, very often we uses something that resemble a checklist. Example for every grocery trip, there are some items like rice,bread etc that is a must-buy....
Freemium Android Android Tablet