The free Dictionary.com app delivers content from Dictionary.com and Thesaurus.com, including nearly a million words and definitions and 90,000 synonyms and antonyms.
Have you ever tried to type in one language but the result was in another? Annoying, eh?! Thats because the keyboard layout was in a wrong language, and you forgot to use "ALT+SHIFT"... NO MORE! With LangOver 5.
Have you ever tried to type in one language but the result was in another? Annoying, eh?! Thats because the keyboard layout was in a wrong language,and you forgot to use "ALT+SHIFT"... NO MORE!
With LangOver 5.0 youll be able to convert your text quicklybetween languages. Just click F10 and your text will be fixed!
LangOver is free and Supports ANY language!
Official Website
Multiple languages Built in translation Change language by one key Global hotkey
Productivity Games Utilities Education and Reference Books News
multi-language writing-editor built-in-translation typing language-translation languages dictionary global-hotkey change-language-by-one-key
The free Dictionary.com app delivers content from Dictionary.com and Thesaurus.com, including nearly a million words and definitions and 90,000 synonyms and antonyms.
Free Android iPhone Web Windows Phone
Punto Switcher allows easy change keyboard layout for text that was just input automatically or by pressing a hotkey. By default, program works only with Russian and English languages, but you can select any other language in settings.
Free Mac OS X Windows
Translation of selected text, introduced by a phrase or a fully web-site from any language to any language.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Web Chrome Firefox
Key Switcher is monitoring the keystrokes and detects the language of each word that you type. If the keyboard is set to a different language, it automatically switches...
Free Personal Windows
Simple keyboard layout switcher. As lightweight as you can easily ensure it doesn't contain any spyware, even if you're not a programming guru.
Free Open Source Windows
ImTranslator provides the access to online translation powered by Babylon, Google, Microsoft and other translation engines for over 66 languages.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Firefox
With this addon you can translate any text to your own language with one click or hot-key.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Firefox
KbdKaz 500 free keyboard layout. Easily enter 500 letters and symbols Easy access to almost 800 letters and symbols in all european languages. Security - no additional programs, keyboard filters, network access, etc..
Free Windows
Thesaurus.com is the world’s largest and most trusted free online thesaurus brought to you by Dictionary.com. For over 20 years, Thesaurus.com has been helping millions...
Free Chrome OS Web Google Drive - Docs
Low-level keyboard switcher (runs as a daemon, no GUI interface) that allows you to bind single key (including modifier keys such as Ctrl, Fn, and CapsLock) to a...
Free Open Source Linux
MLSwitcher makes life easier for those of us who have to deal with multiple input languages or share their time between OS X and Windows by providing two features: -...
Free Mac