LM-X License Manager
LM-X License Manager lets you protect your products against piracy by enforcing various levels of security, save time, and reduce business risks.
NetLicensing is a first-class solution in the Licensing as a Service (LaaS) sector.
netlicensing is a firstclass solution in the licensing as a service (laas) sector. based on open standards, it provides a cost effective, integrated and scalable license management solution for software vendors and developers who want to concentrate on their product's core functionality instead of spending resources on developing an own license management software. netlicensing allows vendors and developers to enable license management for their new or existing products right away and with minimum effort.
Official Website
Works Offline REST API Ecommerce integration
Social Business and Commerce Online Services
offline-access software-as-a-service online-service rest-api metrics e-commerce usage-tracking ecommerce-integration floating-license laas license-activation license-manager licenses licensing-software software-licensing virtualized-environment-licensing
LM-X License Manager lets you protect your products against piracy by enforcing various levels of security, save time, and reduce business risks.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux
WhitSource offers an agile approach to open source management. We offer a SaaS, affordable and simple solution for open source management that replaces labor...
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The 10Duke Entitlement Service allows the control of the delivery and licensing of digital products and provides an engine to manage user access to any type of online...
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux Android Web
CryptoLicensing for .Net is a 100% .Net solution to add licensing, copy-protection, activation and hardware-locking capabilities to your .Net, Windows Forms, WPF...
Commercial Windows Windows Phone Windows Mobile
AntiDuplicate is a software developer's kit that allows to create application protection dongles from USB sticks. AntiDuplicate supports unique additional features...
Commercial Windows
This simple software protection solution was developed to fulfil the copy-protection needs of small software development organisations and MicroISVs who primarily...
Freemium Windows .NET Framework
Manage your licenses with ActivationCloud easily. Fire the keys via web remotely. Use SaaS and traditional licensing schemes. Protect your products from key sharing...
Freemium Web
Flexible Software Licensing for All Your Products—On-Premises, SaaS/Cloud and Virtualized
Commercial Windows Linux
These days a lot of people want to sell their products online, but the million dollar question is, how do you protect your investment and prevent unauthorised copying or...
Freemium Self-Hosted
The Reprise License Manager (RLM) drives revenue for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) by protecting rights to software. RLM is a flexible and simple license manager...
Commercial Windows Linux
Software Protector is an easy-to-use .NET licensing system GUI, which is using SKGL Project from http://skgl.codeplex.com/
Commercial Windows
Use LimeLM to add hardware-locked licensing, online activation, and timed trials to your app. - Add online & offline activation ability to your app to increase...
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux
Babel Licensing is licensing system that allows to license .NET Framework components and applications. It uses asymmetric cryptographic algorithms to ensure that your...
Commercial Windows
Quick License Manager (QLM) is a license protection framework that creates professional and secure license keys to protect your software against piracy.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows