Google Play Music
Google Play Music, a service available for people who have a Google account, lets people upload their personal music collection and access it instantly on the web or any compatible device.
kPlaylist is a PHP designed system for streaming your audio files as mp3, wma, ogg and others directly from web. The system supports LAME, has advanced search...
kPlaylist is a PHP designed system for streaming your audio files as mp3, wma, ogg and others directly from web. The system supports LAME, has advanced search capabilities, playlist functionality (storage, editing), is userbased (includes a full usereditor).
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Google Play Music, a service available for people who have a Google account, lets people upload their personal music collection and access it instantly on the web or any compatible device.
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Ampache is a web based audio streaming application and file manager allowing you to access your music from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device. Common open-source code : https://github.com/ampache/ampache
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Jinzora Media Server is a web based media streaming and management system, allowing you to stream your music and videos to any device with a web browser.
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YouTube is a global video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California, United States.
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AudioStreamer is a free web-based audio streamer which gives you easy access to your music. It turns your PC in a streaming webserver. So you can listen to your music from everywhere and on any device(tablet, desktop, smartphone, ...
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netjukebox is a web-based media jukebox for MPD, VideoLAN and Winamp/httpQ. It features real-time MP3 streaming from different audio formats. Download single tracks or a whole album in one zip file.
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Libresonic - is a open source fork of Subsonic.
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