The Best 18 Kineticwing IDE Alternatives
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Sublime Text
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose - any kind of text file. You'll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features.
Customizable Extensible by Plugins/Extensions Portable Lightweight Auto saving Distraction free UI Syntax Highlighting Minimap Optimized for fast boot Autocompletion Plugin API Code completion Automatic packaging Memory footprint Multiple cursors Package Control Plugins Feature Scriptwriting Assistant -
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Aptana Studio
Aptana Studio is a complete web development environment that combines powerful authoring tools with a collection of online hosting and collaboration services that help you and your team do more. Includes support for PHP, CSS, FTP, and more.
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Keypress Editor
This is the editor you were looking for. Keypress is an offline, desktop based code editor. Use Keypress to edit your local files, on any platform. Keypress features...
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Ynote Classic
Ynote Classic is an easy to use fast and advanced text editor with a tabbed interface and multiview. It has intelligent Syntax Highlighting, Code Folding , Auto Indent...
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Simple Code Editor
Simple Code Editor is a simple, elegant, and powerful code editor, with many features.
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PHP Studio
PHP Studio is an easy-to-use and comprehensive development solution for PHP based websites and applications. This advanced PHP editor has many features that will...