Animal Math Games
Introduce children to early math skills including counting, addition, subtraction and more. While they're learning they're entertained by the cute animations and animals.
Game shows a kid in school , who is answering maths questions on board, with strict teacher standing on his head , all the questions are to be solved by player that would keep the kid from teacher's punishment.
game shows a kid in school , who is answering maths questions on board, with strict teacher standing on his head , all the questions are to be solved by player that would keep the kid from teacher's punishment.
help the kid giving correct maths answers and make high scores , simple yet funny way to do maths sums and train your brain plus challenge your friends (scores are posted online with your name) and any body playing game can view your score and beat your score.
it's been updated with different settings (location + teacher) for more fun, like it starts from 'classroom with teacher' and last one is 'moon with alien ' :) , well all just for fun actual thing is game play, here's an animation of how it looks like (first look) :https://giphy.com/gifs/kidseducationalmathstfe3kiyx6fxfw
educational mathematics kids kids-games