The Best 5 Keys Extender Alternatives

  • Pinnacle Game Profiler

    Pinnacle Game Profiler allows you to emulate your keyboard and mouse with your video game controller, and otherwise customize the controller's behavior.

    Commercial Windows

  • ControllerMate

    ControllerMate is a controller programming tool that allows you to customize the behavior of your HID devices — keyboards, keypads, mice, trackballs, joysticks, gamepads, throttles, among others.

    Commercial Mac OS X

  • GRebind

    GRebind can change your keyboard keys so that one acts as another, and optionally (but not necessarily) the other way around.

    Free Windows

  • 12Ghosts WinControl

    Control and manipulate windows with one click (or use a shortcut, timer, or batch file). Resize and position windows. Close or terminate programs if they dont respond....

    Freemium Windows