Intended for remapping keys, mouse buttons and mouse wheel actions, Key Remapper allows you to: - Remap keys, mouse button presses and the mouse wheel rotation to different values and even to non-existing keys and mouse buttons.
intended for remapping keys, mouse buttons and mouse wheel actions, key remapper allows you to:
remap keys, mouse button presses and the mouse wheel rotation to different values and even to nonexisting keys and mouse buttons. for example, you can replace capslock with "middle mouse button", f11 by "mouse wheel down", f12 by win, browser home or "mouse button x2" (which can be physically missing on your input devices). perform reverse remapping of keys and mouse buttons, i.e. virtually change their functions. for instance, you can virtually swap the right shift and enter keys, the "middle mouse button" and the left shift key. replace specific keys or mouse buttons by key or mouse button combinations with modifiers. for instance, you can replace the browser forward key (usually found on multimedia keyboards) by the alt+shift+esc (quick switching between programs) combination, replace the x1 mouse button by the ctrl+c (copy) combination, assign the ctrl+"left mouse button" combination to the right alt key. emulate double mouse button and key presses and set the necessary interval between presses (double click with a delay). block (disable) keys, mouse buttons, the mouse wheel rotation and their combinations with various modifiers. restrict remapping and blocking to specific programs and windows. for instance, you can configure the software to allow the replacement of the x1 mouse button by space only in program a and nowhere else. another example would be: allow numlock to be replaced by the ctrl+c+c (double press of the "c" key) combination everywhere except for windows with the word "b" in their title. create and quickly (two clicks) switch between key sets.
X-Mouse Button Control is a Windows application to remap your mouse buttons and expand the capabilities of your mouse! You are able to provide application or window specific mappings, which means an application or window can use the...
SharpKeys is a utility that manages a Registry key that allows Windows to remap one key to any other key. Included in the application is a list of common keyboard keys and a Type Key feature to automatically recognize most keyboard keys.
Karabiner, previously called KeyRemap4MacBook, is a very powerful keyboard remapper for Mac OS X. In addition to simple key remapping, it has special remapping modes like Emacs-mode, SandS-mode (Space and Shift).
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Stick Shift saves you time by removing repetitive changes to hand position when programming. With Stick Shift, hold down the CapsLock key and have the arrow keys directly under your right hand.
PCKeyboardHack can change caps lock key behavior. For example, changing caps lock key to delete Key. PCKeyboardHack can activate International Keys on Non-Apple keyboard.
KeyExtender is a keyboard remapping tool which not only allow you to customize keyboard keys, but also help to reduce duplication keyboard operation, and increase productivity on daily computing.
Do you want to want to disable any key on your keyboard ? Do you want to set and lock the state of the Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, Insert keys always or for a...
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