ImageOptim makes images load faster. Removes bloated metadata. Saves disk space & bandwidth by compressing images without losing quality.
With JPEG Resampler you are able to change the resolution and size of JPEG images of a directory in one go and move them into another folder. Source as well as the destination location can be determined by the user freely.
with jpeg resampler you are able to change the resolution and size of jpeg images of a directory in one go and move them into another folder.
source as well as the destination location can be determined by the user freely. before the conversion, you may also specify how the images are to be reduced (percentage and absolute resolution, file size, etc..). furthermore, jpeg resampler offers various filters to sharpen and blur.
see also:http://www.softpedia.com/get/multimedia/graphic/graphiceditors/jpegresampler.shtml
the not shorted application website http://software.macek.cc/resampler.php is unfortunately not accepted as a link for the button "visit website" by alternativein.com .
key features of "jpeg resampler":
· convert between image formats (jpg, png, bmp, jng, gif, tga, jp2, tif, psd, xpm)· 8 different methods of resizing (to megapixels, percents of original, exact size, max size, file size and others)· 11 filters to apply (for example sharpen, blur, soften, average etc)· 10 different color formats (rgb, argb, indexed, grayscale etc)· 5 different types of sorting the images (useful when we change their names)· 4 threads for processing images (extremely improves performance on some machines)· compact (simple) mode for beginners and advanced mode for advanced users, compact mode offers only the most important features (see the image on the right)· support for exif (autorotation based on exif, copy exif to target image, extract exif to text file)· support of presets (actual settings may be saved to a preset for later reuse)· easy creation of a html that contains the resampled images and optionally thumbnails· advanced support of file name conversion with several available shortcuts· supports adding of text or logo (watermark) to resampled images, several special effects offered· supports adding of gps coordinates of the photo based on gpx· shell context support program can integrate into windows explorer (rightclick an image or directory to start jpeg resampler)· integrated browser of images where you can· select image area to resample· change colors· define filter different from other images· remove the image from processing· rotate, flip or mirror the image· see the metadata of the image· support of several languages
Productivity Social Phots and Graphics File Management
file-compression image-compression lossless-compression lossless jpeg
ImageOptim makes images load faster. Removes bloated metadata. Saves disk space & bandwidth by compressing images without losing quality.
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