Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified advertisements – with sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services, community, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums.
Mobile marketplace for the USED stuff - buy, sell, and donate in a unique way It solves pretty much all of the problems that the Used Marketplace is currently facing....
welcome to iused.com. the world's most visited home page. quickly find what you're searching for, get in touch with friends and stay intheknow with iused.com
iused app: mobile marketplace for the used stuff buy, sell, and donate in a unique way
here are some of the biggest challenges in the classified sites or used marketplaces today:noshows over 90% of the buyers say, "i'm interested to buy" (or give me a price and place), they agree to meet and just don't show and don't respond to messages.lack of trust many fraudulent activities happening aroundexpirationoshows over 90% of the buyers say, "i'm interested to buy" (or give me a price and place), they agree to meet and just don't show and don't respond to messages.lack of trust many fraudulent activities happening aroundexpiration most items are being listed for several months or years. majority of the sellers forget to remove the sold items. so the items lie down there forever.chat mechanism in the name of protecting the phone numbers, chat mechanism proved to be very ineffective communication channel between the buyers and sellers; too many messages to deal with; lot of spam;price negotiation no proper negotiation methods; chat mechanism would be even more irritating as the sellers have to deal with many strangers (from buy side)sense of urgency closing cycles are very long; too much timeconsuming process;