Geckoboard is a TV KPI dashboard that helps you and your team stay focused on the KPI that matter and monitor important business metrics.
A generic dashboard application based on JavaScript, HTML and CSS that runs in modern browsers. Allows to arrange and configure widgets to display data from any...
iotdashboard provides a generic dashboard application based on javascript, html and css that runs in modern browsers. allows to arrange and configure widgets to display data from any datasource providing a flexible, well documented a plugin api.
why just another dashboard?
opensource, royalty free, with code that i can understand and extend for full customization easy to setup, maintain and extend even for unusual datasources and widgets a reasonable set of default widgets, to be used out of the box simple api and development setup to write custom widgets and datasources, as a solid base for community driven development and extensions running locally/offline without the need of any server, keeping the server optional until i really need one having a community that extends the dashboard for their own needs
Official Website
analytics data-visualization real-time dashboard data-analysis statusboard internet-of-things time-series-analysis graph-visualization
Geckoboard is a TV KPI dashboard that helps you and your team stay focused on the KPI that matter and monitor important business metrics.
Commercial iPhone Web
A damn sexy, open source real-time dashboard builder for IOT and other web mashups. A free open source alternative to Geckoboard. Includes a powerful plugin architecture to create any amount of customization.
Freemium Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Windows Phone
HappyMetrix lets you create beautiful dashboards, collecting validated data from diverse sources.Cut through the clutter, interpret the numbers and get things done.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Android Tablet iPad
Securely send time-series data to your account from sensors, devices, software, or anything that can make an HTTPS request. Instantly turn that data into real-time...
Freemium Web