Google AdWords
Advertise with Google AdWords ads in the Sponsored Links section next to search results to boost website traffic and sales. With Google AdWords pay-per-click (PPC) keyword advertising, you only pay for results.
An Adwords clone script to start a ads marketplace. A common platform for advertisers and publishers to work together and achieve the goal.
inout adserver is an ad server and ad management script for small or personal business. inout adserver is an adserver, adsense and adroll clone script offering ppc, cpm, cpi, time targeting, retargeting & html ads services. inout adserver houses the business owner, publisher and advertiser under a single domain with independent or combined login. this ad networking and ad serving software is developed on an advanced architecture and includes all necessary features of an advertiser publisher network script.
Official Website
adwords ad-serving clone-scripts ads-marketplace-script ads-network adsense-clone