Apache Hadoop
Apache Hadoop is a open source software framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications licensed under the Apache v2 license.
HPCC Systems offers an open source cluster computing platform used to solve Big Data problems. Its unique architecture and simple yet powerful data programming language...
hpcc systems offers an open source cluster computing platform used to solve big data problems. its unique architecture and simple yet powerful data programming language (ecl) makes it a compelling solution to solve data intensive computing needs.
the hpcc systems architecture incorporates the thor (data refinery) and roxie (query) clusters as well as common middleware components, an external communications layer, client interfaces which provide both enduser services and system management tools, and auxiliary components to support monitoring and to facilitate loading and storing of filesystem data from external sources. an hpcc environment can include only thor clusters, or both thor and roxie clusters.
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cloud-computing machine-learning business-intelligence big-data data-analysis opensource-platform parallel-computing predictive-analytics super-computing data-intensive-computing hadoop-alternative