whisper.sh is a anonymous confessions community where users combine a quote with a background picture to post their secret (or meme or whatever) and other users can view the posts and reply by DM.
Get advice, opinion or discussions from strangers. Whatever it is that’s on your mind, sharing and collecting perspective on it has never been easier.
hiyo connects you to people from all walks of life, all over the world, each with their own wonderful point of view on things.
find or create a topic card and get talking about the things that interest you most. you never know what you might learn from strangers.
"how do you maintain a longdistance relationship?""is there an afterlife?""how important is freedom of the press to a healthy society?""crunchy or smooth peanut butter?"
whatever it is that’s on your mind, sharing and collecting perspective on it has never been easier.
how it worksfind a topic card that peaks your interest and swipe right to start a conversation (or create your own and ask the world a question!). anonymously exchange text and voice messages and if you find someone that you click with, connect to to put a face to the name and share more about who you are
privacywe want you to express your thoughts, opinions and worldview freely and securely. that’s why your privacy is our priority. your identity will remain completely anonymous and if you and your conversation partner decide to connect, you’ll have complete control of the information that’s shared. and if you decide not to reveal more about yourself, that’s ok too. what matters most to us, is that you feel comfortable and safe.
Official Website
Group Messaging Private messaging
chat-clients instant-messaging communications social-network discussion group-messaging private-messaging advice perspective opinion strangers debates