MyPhoneExplorer is a proprietary freeware desktop application allowing management of Sony Ericsson or Android mobile phones. MyPhoneExplorer can connect to a phone using either USB cable, Bluetooth or Infra-red connections.
A powerful management suite for smartphones, which provides contacts, messages and multimedia handling features.
a powerful management suite for smartphones, which provides contacts, messages and multimedia handling features.
hisuite is a handy application that combines a variety of tools designed to make it easier for smartphone owners to control and organize the content on their devices.
part of hisuite is also emotionuitool that will help users create personalized themes for their mobile phones. it can download themes and provides editing capabilities for each element in order to allow users to customize in great detail the themes.
Android Sync Multiple languages Sync Contacts
backup-and-restore android-sync multi-language contact-sync contacts-management backup-apps software-management android-manager software-installation