The Best 32 Hash CrOmp Alternatives

  • Hashtab

    Fast and Simple. Users in over 200 countries have downloaded HashTab to use as a simple MD5 checker or for a more advanced file integrity check.

    Free Personal Mac OS X Windows Windows Explorer Finder

  • HashCalc

    A fast and easy-to-use calculator that allows to compute message digests, checksums and HMACs for files, as well as for text and hex strings. It offers a choice of 13 of the most popular hash and checksum algorithms for calculations.

    Free Windows

  • HashMyFiles

    HashMyFiles is small utility that allows you to calculate the MD5 and SHA1 hashes of one or more files in your system.

    Free Windows

  • Md5Checker

    Md5Checker is a free, faster, lightweight and easy-to-use tool to manage, calculate and verify MD5 checksum of multiple files/folders Calculate and display MD5...

    Free Windows

  • MD5summer

    MD5summer is an application for Microsoft Windows 9x, NT, ME, 2000 and XP which generates and verifies md5 checksums. Its output file is compatible with the output of...

    Free Open Source Windows

  • RHash

    RHash (Recursive Hasher) is a console utility for computing and verifying hash sums of files. It supports CRC32, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, Tiger, DC++ TTH, BitTorrent BTIH, ED2K, AICH, GOST R 34.

    Free Open Source Windows Linux BSD

  • SFV Ninja

    SFV Ninja is a SFV checksum application. It also supports MD5 and SHA-1 checksum files. Features: Two verification modes. The first will verify all files in the...

    Free Windows

  • hashdeep

    Cross-platform tools to computer hashes, or message digests, for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD

  • IgorWare Hasher

    IgorWare Hasher is a free SHA-1, MD5 and CRC32 hash-generator for Windows and is available in 32- and 64-bit versions. This program is portable and does not require...

    Free Windows

  • File Checksum Utility

    This software allows to generate MD (Message Digest) and SHA hashes from a file or files or files in a directory.

    Free Windows

  • Stream Armour

    Stream Armor is the sophisticated tool to discover Hidden Alternate Data Streams (ADS) and clean them completely from your system.

    Free Windows

  • WinMD5Free

    WinMD5 is a freeware for Windows to allow user to calculate MD5 hash or checksum for files, and verify a download.

    Free Windows