HandyLinux is a user friendly desktop Operating System based on Debian that uses the Xfce desktop environment.
Open Source
handylinux is a user friendly desktop operating system based on debian that uses the xfce desktop environment.
debian without headacheshandylinux is accessibility for all and freedom for everyone to evolve on its own.based on debian gnu/linux fast, lightweight and stable xfce desktop environment.handylinux is safe, convenient and free of charge.
debian sans se prendre la têtehandylinux c'est l'accessibilité pour tous et la liberté pour chacun d'évoluer à son gré.basée sur debian gnu/linux avec xfce, un environnement de bureau rapide, léger et stable.handylinux est sûre, pratique et gratuite.
DoudouLinux is a Debian-based distribution targeting young children. Its goals are to make computer use as simple and pleasant as possible while also making information...
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