The Best 24 Hackerearth Alternatives

  • CodinGame

    CodinGame is a challenge-based training platform for programmers where you can play with the hottest programming topics.

    Free Web


    A fun social platform for hackers to solve interesting puzzles, build quick hacks, code game bots and collaborate to solve real-world challenges.

    Free Web

  • Project Euler

    Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve.

    Free Web

  • Coderbyte

    Coderbyte is a place built for anyone to practice and perfect their programming skills. Challenges are added almost every day so you can work on applying your algorithmic thought process on any problem you want at anytime.

    Freemium Web

  • Spoj

    Sphere Online Judge created for the coders' community to train, to learn and to make progress.

    Free Web Self-Hosted


    The programmer testing solution that matches your job descriptions and helps you hire great developers faster.

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Web

  • CodeFights

    Duel with friends and foes in head-to-head programming battles!.

    Free Personal Web

  • Codewars

    Achieve code mastery through challenge. Improve your skills by training with others on real code challenges Kata In our dojo, kata are real code challenges...

    Free Self-Hosted

  • Codechef

    CodeChef was created by Directi as a way to continuously challenge and engage the developer community. Our goals are to provide a platform for practice, competition and...

    Free Web

  • The AI Games

    Develop your coding skills and practice them by competing with hundreds of players worldwide. Code your own bots in your preferred language and join the various...

    Free Web

  • CheckIO

    CheckiO is expanding the world’s code literacy through gameplay. We always wanted to create the most entertaining game where gaming and coding experiences are interlaced, where there is no border between playing and learning new skills.

    Free Open Source Web Pycharm WebStorm

  • Topcoder

    Topcoder provides members opportunities to demonstrate their expertise, improve their skills, and win cash, while helping real world organizations solve real world problems.

    Free Web

  • Geektastic

    Unique peer-reviewed code challenges for deep insight into candidate's technical skills and abilities.

    Commercial Windows iPhone Chrome OS

  • Codela

    Screen technical skills automatically with online coding challenges. Save time, reduce recruitment costs and hire better developers.

    Commercial Web

  • Sphere Contest

    Customizable platform for organizing dedicated contests that can test programming skills of its participants.

    Commercial Self-Hosted