Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
Grindstone is a desktop application, produced by Epiforge Software, that allows users to create and organize tasks and to track time. It includes a range of other features that supplement this primary functionality.
grindstone is a desktop application, produced by epiforge software, that allows users to create and organize tasks and to track time. it includes a range of other features that supplement this primary functionality. the software is currently offered as a free download for microsoft windows users. epiforge software has announced plans to release grindstone on mac os, and a compliment to the software which would allow pooling data from multiple users.
major features include a stopwatch to allows users to select a task theyre working on, during which grindstone will attribute time to that task. the stopwatch can detect when the user leaves their computer and ask them how to reconcile their time away when they return.profiles allows the user to create profiles as a way of separating their tasks into different areas. tasks can be moved from one profile to another if necessary. it include various reports that display the users time in the different way (ie a threedimensional pie chart, time sheet, invoices etc). time sheets and invoices generated can be printed, or exported as microsoft excel spreadsheets or pdf files.
Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
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Task Coach is a simple open source todo manager to keep track of personal tasks and todo lists. It is designed for composite tasks, and also offers effort tracking, categories, notes and more.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone BSD iPad
TimeCamp is a time tracking software for freelancers and companies. It's well equipped: budgeting, invoicing, project costs and many others. If you're looking for a mobile-friendly solution, this one will be perfect! .
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Futuramo Time Tracker is a time tracking, work management and productivity app used by freelancers and businesses to track, analyze and manage work time more effectively. The advanced statistics provide great insights on daily work habits.
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TopTracker enables team leads and individuals to effortlessly track progress with transparent and intuitive reports.
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