PDFCreator is an application for converting documents into Portable Document Format (PDF) on Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Eco-friendly printer driver to save money on your daily print jobs. Save 33% in average of paper, ink and toner without any compromise on quality. Create Pdf files. Use the same preview printing dialog whatever the software you are using.
ecofriendly printer driver to save money on your daily print jobs. save 33% in average of paper, ink and toner without any compromise on quality. create pdf files. use the same preview printing dialog whatever the software you are using. greencloud printer is a virtual driver for your printer. review printing jobs; remove unwanted pages; group 1, 2, or 4 pages per sheet of paper; print to pdf; directly print to dropbox, evernote or minus each app may offer a different user experience and interface, actually every printer driver works differently and offers advanced options most users don’t use because they require too many clicks to access. using greencloud printer as your default printer, you will have a consistent experience and whatever the printer or hosting service to share your document you will have the same functions anywhere, anytime. never waste paper again because you have an extra blank page or a page with only 2 lines of text which is the header of a web page. especially when you print web pages so basically a few pages. that’s where you're wasting the most paper, ink, and also trees. save your time, save your money, just preview and validate the pages you really need to print, or combine several pages when it is only a draft or papertogo job. with greencloud printer, our test panels show you can save an average of 35% of paper by merging pages on each sheet of paper or just remove unwanted pages before it is too late.
pdf-printer dropbox-integration virtual-printer save-ink green-printer
PDFCreator is an application for converting documents into Portable Document Format (PDF) on Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Free Open Source Windows
Free version adds a text to every page printed. Use priPrinter to: - preview your print jobs, - correct small mistakes, - print original layout or unlimited pages on a single sheet, - save time, toner and trees.
Freemium Windows
An echo friendly and economical way to print. eliminates all unwanted pages, reducing printing.
Commercial Windows
PretonSaver Home is a revolutionary software for home printing that helps you save money without compromising on quality. Preton's ink saver software supports all ink-jet printers and laser printers.
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CleanPrint is an economically and ecologically friendly print tool that saves you paper, ink, and money while making your output look great.
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The most intelligent printer driver in the world! Print&Share is a multi-functional, multi-channeled and intelligent virtual printer driver with many useful tools. .
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PDF Letterhead is a simple desktop app for OSX to apply your own company logo or letterhead on PDF documents. Apply letterhead's or logo on letters, quotations...
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Printer ink is one of the most expensive liquids on earth and toner for a laser printer isn't cheap. CleverPrint cuts down your printing costs: CleverPrint...
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