The Best 5 Go To Bed Alternatives

  • is a bedtime calculator that can help you calculate when to fall asleep. By counting backwards in sleep cycles, has the ability to help you wake up refreshed, instead of feeling groggy. Sleepyti.

    Free Web

  • Sleep TIMER

    Sleep TIMER lets you stop background apps, including audio players, at a specified time.

    Free Android Android Tablet

  • To bed

    Based on information about your age and wakeup times, the app reminds you when you should start preparing for hitting the sack. Like your loving Mom, the app knows when there is no need to remind you.

    Free iPhone

  • Alarm Clock: Sleep With Sheep

    Sleep in 90 minute cycles and wake up between REM phases feeling refreshed and full of energy. And then have a productive day!.

    Commercial iPhone iPad