Geo Tracker
Geo Tracker is fast and simple software for recording your gps tracks. If you're a fan of action sports and long distance travel - this app is for you!.
GlobeInfos is a mobile tracking service : it offers geolocation of vessels, boats, cars, trucks through INMARSAT or IRIDIUM satellite networks and allow the possibility to visualize them online on your favorite web browser.
GlobeInfos is a mobile tracking service : it offers geolocation of vessels, boats, cars, trucks through INMARSAT or IRIDIUM satellite networks and allow the possibility to visualize them online on your favorite web browser.Because of this unique feature, you can be tracked anywhere on earth in a realtime basis.Moreover, when using the globeinfos services, you benefit from the 24/7 support of a professional satellite communication team.
Official Website
Productivity Travel and Location Sport and Health
communications gps safety gps-tracking mapping fleet-management telecom satellite maritime google-earth gmdss inmarsat iridium