Iconfinder provides high quality icons for webdesigners and developers in an easy and efficient way. Iconfinder provides beautiful icons to millions of designers, developers and other creative professionals.
Huge collection of free icons for games and apps.
Huge collection of free icons for games and apps.
Productivity Developer Tools Phots and Graphics
svg graphics icons
Iconfinder provides high quality icons for webdesigners and developers in an easy and efficient way. Iconfinder provides beautiful icons to millions of designers, developers and other creative professionals.
Free Web
Futuramo Icons is an advanced Iconography System used by UI/UX professionals, developers and marketers worldwide.
Freemium Web
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language The Noun Project is building a global visual language that everyone can understand. We want to enable our users to visually communicate anything to anyone.
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EasyIconFinder is a new Icon Search Engine that helps you find quality icons now available simple by filling in a keyword ! Fill in a specific keyword or use a category...
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The IconSeeker.com is the best icon search engine on web, it contents about 50,000+ high quaility icons and each icon has PNG, ICO and ICNS formats for Windows, Macintosh and Linux Systems.
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Vicons Design provides high quality custom icons for web designers and developers in an easy and efficient way. Minimal visual designed content high quality web icons...
Free Personal Web
Search and browse our Icon Gallery of the finest high quality free icons on the web.
Freemium Web
The Icons-Search is an Icon Search Engine that helps you to find quality icons available on the Internet.
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Sleek Logos has hundreds of it industry logotypes simplified for icon size format. They come in various styles to match your design: grayscale, color, outline, or filled.
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