Universal Viewer
Universal Viewer is an advanced file viewer for wide range of formats. Supported file formats are: Images: all major graphics formats: JPG BMP ICO GIF PNG WMF TIFF PSD..., over 40 formats.
Download and install FreeFileViewer and you will be able to view documents like DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, XLS, XLSX, images like JPG, PNG, GIF, PSD, videos like FLV, MP4...
download and install freefileviewer and you will be able to view documents like doc, docx, pdf, txt, xls, xlsx, images like jpg, png, gif, psd, videos like flv, mp4, mov, mpg, audio files like flac, mp3, ogg, wma, and various other formats like bin, cfg, dat, diz and and many many other file formats.
freefileviewer is a nonbloated, simple file viewer and music player. for example, it will enable you to display adobe® pdf files and microsoft® office documents without adobe® reader® or microsoft® office being installed, and psd files without having adobe® photoshop® installed. this is the allinone file viewer product you have been looking for!
Productivity Phots and Graphics
document-viewer image-viewer Warning video-player music-player