Unreal Tournament
Unreal is a series of first-person shooter video games developed by Epic Games.
Freedoom is a WIP a complete free content game based on the Doom engine. It's not an engine, but it's replacement game data with entirely original content, Compatible with a majority of game mods made for Doom.
freedoom is a free firstperson shooter under continuous development. the freedoom project aims to create a complete free content game based on the doom engine. combined with the engine, freedoom is also compatible with game modifications made for the original doom games, made by doom fans and artists over the decades.
it requires a sourceport/engine to run. we recommend prboom+ for high compatibility emulation of the original engine, and odamex for multiplayer. (though it's possible to use zanrdonum,chocolate doom, the vanilla doom exe, and so and still be able to use freedoom)it comes in 3 flavors.phase 1: (like ultimate doom) the first part of the story..phase 2: (like doom 2) the second and last part of the story.freedm (phase dm) a variation of phase 2, to only include deathmatch levels, but still has all content for normal play. it's mainly a deathmatch map pack with complete vanilla exe compatibility so you could even run it on your old dos machine if you wanted to. get fragging away and see who's the top player!
portable games first-person-shooter doom