terms of service didnt read
Terms of Service; Didn't Read (ToS;DR) is an active project to fix the biggest lie on the web. We help you understand the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies of websites.
EULAlyzers tag words are "Analyze license agreements for interesting words and phrases. Make sense of the nonsensical." Well said. When installing software...
eulalyzers tag words are "analyze license agreements for interesting words and phrases. make sense of the nonsensical." well said.
when installing software, never just click past the license agreement. when joining a new site, dont just write off the privacy policy as too long and verbose to read. pop it into eulalyzer, and eulalyze it! you may prevent yourself from making a big mistake.
discover if the software youre about to install displays popup ads, transmits personally identifiable information, uses unique identifiers to track you, or much much more. eulalyzer can analyze license agreements in seconds, and provide a detailed listing of potentially interesting words and phrases.
Productivity Education and Reference
eula terms-of-service terms-of-use license-agreement code-of-conduct