The Best 2 Esplorio Alternatives
Esplorio - The simplest way to record and share your travels. Web and iPhone.
esplorio the simplest way to record and share your travels. web and iphone. turn on esplorio and integrate with facebook, twitter, foursquare/swarm, instagram, picasa and tripit to see a complete travel diary/journal/log of your past and future travels.
key features: * integrates and uses your existing favourite social networks* iphone app can not only track the routes of your travels, but automatically checkin and uses 510% of your battery life in a day* curate and share your trips * automatically get achievements and stats as you travel* everything is private until you explicitly share* 5 million unique places visited by our users already across 120 countries.
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Photo Sharing LifeLogging / Quantified Self
Productivity Networking and Admin Travel and Location
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