Followmy.tv is an episode tracker with a social touch. Personal checklist, see what friends are watching, rate, comment, loved, pinned, personal dashboard and much more!
Free TV Episode Tracker
Free TV Episode Tracker
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Followmy.tv is an episode tracker with a social touch. Personal checklist, see what friends are watching, rate, comment, loved, pinned, personal dashboard and much more!
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MyEpisodes is your personal TV assistant with a lot of loved features including episodes checklist, RSS feeds, automatic state view, calendar, IRC bots and more. You'll love this website as you will travel through its features.
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On MySeries.tv you will find information on your television series; including news, reviews, videos, tv ratings, contests and more.
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To be honest, it all started when the service I used myself decided that you needed a Premium account to continue using the service. This created some sort of aggrovated...
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With all the new series airing these days, it becomes difficult to remember at which episode you are. Have you ever dreamed about an application which does that for you...
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Want to keep track of the TV Shows you're watching? Can't remember which episodes of a show you've seen (from TV, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon or anywhere else)? ...