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A crowd sourced perception capturing platform with insightful dashboard to be used in any event like reality show, political debate, TV program or in public places such as shopping malls, restaurants.
emojot is a customer engagement and audience response platform that allows customers to 'emote' their perceptions. emojot eliminates language barriers by using language neutral emoticons/emoji. customers can 'emote' momentbymoment for live events & live tv programs and can 'emote' in a context specific manner on a website or at any customer interaction point of any business. the emojot platform systemize the customer engagement of any situation – tv programs, sporting galas, marketing campaigns, websites, competitions and service feedback campaigns. **campaign orchestration a three step process to create and publish **perception capture a simple mechanism for people (emoters) to express (emote) how they feel with just a touch. **visualization and engagement prebuilt reports and visualizations allow business to get a contextual understanding of their customers' perception and emojot provides required tools to respond to market segments with appropriate content including advertisements.
Official Website
Real time analytics CrowdSourced Live stream
Productivity Business and Commerce
customer-feedback real-time-analytics crowdsourced live-stream user-perception visualize voice-of-customer