The Best 10 Elveos Alternatives

  • Flattr icon


    Flattr is a social micropayment service, that makes it easy for you to "flatter" things on the internet that you like. When you're registered to Flattr, you pay a small monthly fee of your own choosing.

    Commercial Android Web

  • Patreon

    Patreon enables fans to give ongoing support to their favorite creators.

    Commercial Web

  • BountySource

    BountySource is a funding platform for open-source bugs and features.

    Free Web

  • FreedomSponsors

    FreedomSponsors is a platform for supporting free/libre software projects through microcrowdfunding – that is, crowdfunding individual issues of open source projects. ...

    Free Open Source Web

  • FOSS Factory

    FOSS Factory's mission is to accelerate the advancement of free/open source software by helping people collaborate on the design, funding, and development of...

    Free Open Source Web

  • Cofundos is a platform for spurring innovation and development of open-source software. is about revealing bright ideas regarding the development of...

    Free Web

  • Tip4Commit

    Contribute to Open Source, donate bitcoins to open source projects or make commits and get tips for it. How does it work? People donate bitcoins to projects.

    Free Open Source Web Self-Hosted Bitcoin