GNU Solfege
GNU Solfege is free music education software. Use it to train your rhythm, interval, scale and chord skills. GNU Solfege is an ear training program written to...
Professional software for ear training and practical music theory on Windows and Mac. A program such as EarMaster will provide you with: Progressive lessons made by...
professional software for ear training and practical music theory on windows and mac.
a program such as earmaster will provide you with:progressive lessons made by music teachers that help you build up your skills according to your actual level.
new questions, drills and tests each time you use the program so you don't end up knowing the answers by heart.
a method that is used by some of the world's most prestigious music schools and conservatories (see our nonexhaustive list).
an ear trainer with a potentially unlimited lifespan.
Official Website
musician-tool music-education music-training ear-training music-theory
GNU Solfege is free music education software. Use it to train your rhythm, interval, scale and chord skills. GNU Solfege is an ear training program written to...
Free Open Source Windows Linux
Ear Teacher is a music theory and ear training application. It is completely audiovisual and contains dozens of interactive exercises for rhythm, melody, and harmony.
Commercial Mac OS X
Free music education software, thoughtfully designed to push your musical skills to the next level.
Free Open Source Linux Android
A simple yet advanced application for improving your solfege skills. Contains voarious exercises suitable as for beginners so for advanced musicians. Application can...
Freemium Android
SoundGrail is a free music theory app for pianists, guitarists and DJs. Learn chords, scales, key signatures, and more. Play guitar, piano and DJ like a pro!.
Free Windows Android Web Mac Windows Mobile
»Better Ears« is an educational music and ear training program, which helps you grow your musical skills and enhance your hearing capabilities. There are ten...