SlimDrivers automatically updates PC drivers with real-time scanning and cloud technology.
80% of PC crashes are caused by outdated or conflicting device drivers. Out of date and incorrect system drivers can lead to driver conflicts, system errors, system crashes, poor operation, and slow PC performance.
80% of pc crashes are caused by outdated or conflicting device drivers. out of date and incorrect system drivers can lead to driver conflicts, system errors, system crashes, poor operation, and slow pc performance. in the old days, windows driver issues typically resulted in the dreaded bluescreenofdeath (bsod). today, things have changed. while faulty windows drivers or driver conflicts can still result in blue screen crashes, there are numerous other, less intuitive performance issues that can result, including: hardware not working properly, slow web surfing, slow boot times, system crashes, and overall sluggish computer performance.
Productivity System and Hardware
driver-updates drivers
SlimDrivers automatically updates PC drivers with real-time scanning and cloud technology.
Freemium Windows
It scans your computer, tells you what drivers are missing or outdated, then updates them all, in one go. All you have to do is click Update All button, and all drivers will be downloaded and installed automatically.
Freemium Windows Web
Driver Genius Professional is a professional driver management tool that features both driver management and hardware diagnostics. Driver Genius Professional can backup, restore and update all your drivers in several mouse clicks.
Commercial Windows
Windows Drivers are easy to locate and download when using the Driver Detective software and service. Drivers HeadQuarters is the first and only driver update service providing manufacturer specific drivers for your computer system.
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Driver Store Explorer helps you manage your Windows drivers. Enumerate, add and delete drivers with ease. FEATURES Enumerate / List all the packages staged in the...
Free Open Source Windows
Snail Driver is a free desktop software which allows you to download, to update and to install Windows drivers automatically with one click.
Free Windows
Driver Reviver is an industry leading PC Driver Update utility that will help you update your computer drivers in just a few clicks.
Commercial Windows
AVG Driver Updater automatically checks 127,000+ drivers to help give you: Less crashing Better graphics Faster browsing Richer audio Less device problems Always up-to-date Our dynamic online driver...
Commercial Windows
Advanced driver updater helps to update outdated device drivers in order to improve the overall system performance and application response time.
Commercial Windows