The Best 21 DNASTAR Lasergene Alternatives
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Genome Compiler
Genome Compiler is an easy to use genetic design platform allowing researchers to manipulate and design everything from single genes to entire genomes.
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SnapGene Viewer
SnapGene Viewer is revolutionary software that allows molecular biologists to create, browse, and share richly annotated DNA sequence files up to 1 Gb in length. .
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VectorFriends combines various types of cloning simulations, sequence analysis and data management into one application. It's free for academic researchers.
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Serial Cloner
Serial Cloner is a Molecular Biology software. It provides tools with an intuitive interface that assists you in DNA cloning, sequence analysis and visualization.
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ApE - A plasmid Editor
ApE is a science application for plasmid editing. Highlights restriction sites in the editing window Accurately reflects Dam/Dcm blocking of enzyme sites Highlights...
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Vector NTI
Vector NTI is a bioinformatics software package. The current versions are v11.5.1 for Windows/PCs and v7.1 for Macs, but only supporting Mac OS X v10.3...
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BVTech Plasmid
BVTech Plasmid is DNA sequence analysis and plasmid drawing software for Windows PCs.You can use it to plan your DNA cloning, draw high quality plasmid maps, analyse...
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GeneStudio Pro is a modern suite of molecular biology applications for the Windows platform built on our sequence format conversion engine, SeqVerter. All manipulations...