Digital Logic Design is a Software tool for designing and simulating digital circuits. A circuit is composed of gates, flip-flops, standard combinational and sequential...
Mac OS X
digital logic design is a software tool for designing and simulating digital circuits. a circuit is composed of gates, flipflops, standard combinational and sequential components and modules. a number of gates, flipflops and standard combinational and sequential components are provided in the software. a component can also be customized as per user requirements. various control pins can also be added and removed from the component.
a circuit can easily be converted into a reusable module. a module acts like an integrated circuit or ic. more complex circuits, like cpu, are built by designing and incorporating different modules in a modular fashion.
the simulation provides the ability to monitor the working of a circuit. the circuit working can be analysed and monitored at various points by using crt and digital oscilloscope provided in the software.
in this software, a circuit may also be constructed by providing values for boolean sumofproduct.
this software may be used by professionals, hobbyists and students alike. teachers can incorporate this software in various courses like digital electronics, digital logic and computer design, computer architecture, computer organization and embedded systems.
boolr is a digital logic simulator built with html and javascript using electron / atom shell . simulations run asynchronously and in ticks so complex simulations won't cause freezes.
FreeOpen SourceMac OS XWindowsLinuxElectron / Atom Shell
PCBWeb is a 100% free Windows desktop CAD application for designing and manufacturing electronics hardware. Features include schematic capture, PCB Layout with gerber output, and Bill of Materials manager.
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Digital is a cross-platform, digital circuit simulator. These are the main features of Digital: - Visualization of signal states with measurement graphs. - Single...
- Design circuits quickly and easily with a modern and intuitive user interface with drag-and-drop, copy/paste, zoom & more. - Take control of debugging by pausing...
Logical Network Editor that runs in your browser. Currently supports basic gates using boolean logic, smart wire routing and network simulation. The simplicity allows to...
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