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devtron is an open source tool to help you inspect, monitor, and debug your electron / atom shell app. built on top of the amazing chrome developer tools.
devtron is an open source tool to help you inspect, monitor, and debug your electron / atom shell app. built on top of the amazing chrome developer tools.
require graphvisualize your app's internal and external library dependencies in both the main and renderer processes. the require graph allows you to trace through the loading order and dependency graph of the javascript files in your app.
event listenersexplore the events and listeners currently registered in your app on the core electron apis such as the window, the app, and the main and renderer processes. search for listeners to make sure they are registered correctly and active.
ipc monitortrack and inspect the messages sent and received between the processes in your app. the ipc monitor records and displays the message traffic between the main and renderer processes.
lintercheck your app for possible issues and missing functionality. the linter provides guidance and code snippets for detected issues.
electron developer-tools