The Best 4 Alternatives
Our stack: Docker, Ansible, Weave. With D2C you can create, scale and manage: - Data Storage: 1) MySQL, MariaDB, Percona (StandAlone and MasterSlave configurations)...
our stack: docker, ansible, weave.
with d2c you can create, scale and manage: data storage:1) mysql, mariadb, percona (standalone and masterslave configurations)2) mongodb (standalone and replicaset configurations)3) redis4) memcached5) postgresql (standalone and masterslave configurations)6) elasticsearch7) crate webapp:1) node.js2) go3) python4) ruby5) phpfpm6) apache+php nginx loadbalancer nginx+staticfrom the box: private network, logs, monitoring, container migration, migration from standalone to cluster configurations
development developer-tools paas deployment monitoring developers logs