The Best 12 DATAQUEST Alternatives

  • Codecademy icon


    Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.

    Freemium Web

  • Coursera icon


    We are committed to making the best education in the world freely available to any person who seeks it.

    Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Windows Phone

  • Udemy

    With more than 20 000 courses thousands of experts teach on Udemy including New York Times best-selling authors, CEOs, Ivy League professors and celebrity instructors.

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone iPad Web

  • Udacity

    Our mission is to bring accessible, affordable, engaging, and highly effective higher education to the world.

    Commercial Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web

  • edX

    Based on a long history of collaboration and their shared educational missions, the founders are creating a new distance-learning experience.

    Free Web

  • Datacamp

    DataCamp provides interactive data science and statistics training to the world. It is not about passively reading books, or watching YouTube videos that put a focus on the instructor and not the scholar.

    Freemium Web

  • EduTelly

    Knowledge is indeed power and even more so in this modern world of incredibly fast paced advancements in science and technology.

    Commercial Web

  • Zenler

    A true alternative to other sites offering on-line courses which will definitely appeal to course makers who are looking for decent fees for their work.

    Commercial Web Self-Hosted

  • Quick Code

    Quick Code is a collection of free online tutorials and video courses to learn programming languages, big data, web, mobile, chatbot, database management, data science...

    Freemium Web

  • Try R

    try r is an online course created by code school to learn r (programming language) interactively.

    Free Web